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This blog is the virtual space where I share the thoughts and insights I receive when I'm talking with or listening to God, meditating on His Word, or simply admiring His creation. My hope is to encourage, challenge and inspire you to move toward a deeper relationship with the God of the bible.

A bonified people person, I can't help but invite you to share your heart's responses.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Conquering New Heights

Her words captured my imagination. She couldn’t be more than 5’4” and I’d guess no more than 110 pounds soaking wet. Her name is Susan Ershler. As she talked about how she accomplished her personal goal of climbing all seven of the highest summits in the world with her husband, my sense of adventure was stirred. Can you imagine the sense of victory she must have felt, as she looked out at the vista view from the highest place on the planet? As the fourth American woman to climb the seven highest mountains, she had to conquer the physical, environmental and emotional challenges. What an accomplishment!

It’s January and as usual, I have seven summits of my own I want to conquer. I am determined to CONQUER New Heights in my personal life this year. As I share my strategy for 2011, think about what yours will be.

C – Change from knowing more scripture, to living out more consistently the scriptures I know. Maybe this way, when I interact with someone that doesn’t know the bible, they’ll get a chance to see it in action. (II Corinthians 2:2-3)

O – Own my own vessel. Too much focus on negative experiences and current events can cause overwhelming stress. At times like these I’ll need to remember that God is in control and to possess my soul in the patience His Spirit causes to flow through me as I rest in Him. (Luke 21:19)

N – Never stop praying. I’m clear on the fact that no matter how much I know, God knows more. There is never a time I won’t need His counsel. (I Thessalonians 5:17)

Q – Quiet my spirit. I used to believe that I should never talk about the things that bother me. Now I understand that when I take authority over my disquieted spirit, I am acquiring a quality that God considers priceless. (I Peter 3:4)

U – Upgrade my gifts and talents. I already know that if I don’t use them, there will be weeping and gnashing. But, I also need to be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading when He wants to use my gifts in new and different ways. (Matthew 25:14-28)

E – Eliminate regularly. Just as my body eliminates toxins regularly (i.e. carbon dioxide from my lungs, waste from my kidneys and bowels), I need to rid myself of the things that make my walk with Christ toxic. (Colossians 3:8-10)

R – Reflect His glory as I redeem the time. I can’t allow myself to forget that like the star that led the three wise men to the Christ child, I’m a star on a mission. God has placed His light in me to lead others to Him. (II Corinthians 3:18)

As I walk into this New Year filled with opportunities I am reminded of Isaiah 43:18-19 where the Lord had Isaiah to prophesy that He was going to do a new thing. New means new! New speaks of that which is unfamiliar, unused, unprecedented and original. Consequently, I can expect that some of the things I will face this year will be both adventurous and risky.

As Susan Ershler talked about her climb up Mount Everest, she spoke of how they couldn’t simply go from the bottom of the mountain straight to the top. For one thing, the weather could change quickly. More than one climber has had to turn around and head back to camp with the summit only minutes away. For another thing, the air at the mountain’s peak was so thin, that they had to make the journey by going up to a designated camp and then back down the mountain for days at a time to give their lungs a chance to become accustomed to the difference in the amount of oxygen at that height. When I heard it, my perspective of how to view three steps forward, two steps back was forever changed. Instead of seeing my efforts as being hindered, I’ll consider that I’ve reached a higher elevation that requires an adjustment in my faith capacity.

2011 marks two milestones for my life. Since 1991 I have been blessed with the opportunity to be used of God to encourage, challenge, and inspire those who struggle. Whether the struggle was with drug abuse, promiscuity, depression, or discouragement for 20 years I've seen God demonstrate His love to those I encounter. Since 2001 I have been blessed with the opportunity to be used of God to encourage, challenge, and inspire aspiring Christian writers. For 10 years I've been instrumental in assisting them as they go from manuscript to marketplace sharing their messages of hope, instruction, and insight.

As I rejoice in these wonderful blessings I find that there is a stirring in my heart to go higher in my relationship with God. I long to see His hand move more effectively through me.

What about you? What are the seven summits in your life that you want to conquer this year? In 2010 did you feel like you were going three steps forward, two steps back? If so, don’t worry, you were just getting your lungs ready to handle the change that’s coming. Sure, there may be storms brewing. Yes, the air is thin up there. But look up. The mountain top isn’t that far away. Stay focused on your goals. Before you know it you’ll be a testament to all those who long to start the journey. May the Lord guide you on your journey as you conquer new heights.