Welcome to my blogspot!

This blog is the virtual space where I share the thoughts and insights I receive when I'm talking with or listening to God, meditating on His Word, or simply admiring His creation. My hope is to encourage, challenge and inspire you to move toward a deeper relationship with the God of the bible.

A bonified people person, I can't help but invite you to share your heart's responses.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Return on God's Investment

Here we are approaching the second half of 2008 and many of us are desperately trying to maintain the excitement we began the year with. At the beginning of the year God spoke to our hearts and we walked away convinced that this is our year! But since that time, many are becoming discouraged as the headlines speak of major banks failing, gas prices continue to rise with no end in sight, all while home owners around the country go into foreclosure.

NEVERTHELESS, we must maintain our resolve. Our health, well being and prosperity are not determined by what the stock market or the government says. 2008 holds much return on the investments our Lord has made in us! Our God is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or even think. Join me as I continue to persevere in faith. This is not the time to have a crisis in confidence. This is the time to put our trust in our God, Who is More Than Enough!

Father,Thank You for allowing Your people the opportunity to shine even brighter during this season. We begin this year filled with anticipation about the things we see You doing on our behalf. You have made an investment in us and have given us a glimpse of the plans You want to work through us in the earth. Help us to recognize that You have also given us the responsibility of taking an active role in creating a return on Your investment. With the discouraging information in the news media regarding the stock market, it could be easy to lose sight of the truth that You have ordained Your people to walk in Your love, joy, peace, and abundance. Remind us that as a Wise Investor, You don't make foolish choices or uncalculated risks. In spite of what our eyes see, You have prepared a table before us, even in the presence of our enemies. Help us to keep this embedded in our hearts when we encounter struggles. Just because we experience difficulty does not mean You have not provided. As we set our hearts to do Your Will may the wisdom of Your Kingdom be revealed in greater measure before the kingdoms of this world as we bring You 30, 60, and 100 fold returns on Your investments in us this year. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Now, what investments has God made in you that you're expecting a return from this year?

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